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Levante UD

A New Board for a New Era

New Members of the Levante UD Board of Directors

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The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Levante UD SAD has approved the incorporation of María Villanueva, Javier García Murillo, and Alberto Villanueva as vocal members of the governing body of Levante UD, presided over by Pablo Sánchez.

Levante UD published the profiles of the new board members on its website for a month, and they were voted on during the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting as stipulated by the agreement between the Levante UD Foundation, Bizas, and Levante UD. The total number of board members is set at 11, with two members being consensus choices and one appointed by the Foundation, hence the presence of a board member representing minority shareholders.

Javier García Murillo does not represent himself but serves on the Board of Directors as a representative of the Levante UD "Cent Anys" Foundation. "I will be a bridge between the club's administrators and the Foundation, which still holds a significant shareholding in the society," he stated.

The New Board Members

Javier García Murillo is an Industrial Chemist and an executive at a multinational chemical company. A shareholder since 2003, he regularly attends matches with his family and has been actively involved with the Foundation since 2017 in various roles within its Board of Trustees, where he currently serves as vice president. He believes that being a Levante supporter means "being supportive, generous, helping others, especially people with different abilities to fully integrate into our society."

García Murillo emphasizes his desire to contribute "work, experience, judgment, and responsibility." He also noted that his "knowledge of the economic and business environment could be useful in finding ideas or projects to improve our current economic situation."

María Villanueva is a journalism graduate working in the Communication and Public Relations department at Atresmedia. For her, being a Levante supporter is "a way of life, always going against the tide, always recovering, always believing in the impossible... an unparalleled feeling." She acknowledges that the true essence of Levante is its people, its fans.

She never envisioned becoming a board member, "but there are opportunities you can't pass up. And if they come with projects you believe in and people you trust, then I was very motivated to take on this responsibility and give a voice to a fan base that must always feel represented. What drives me is to continue my 'Levante activism' with the same pride and passion as I have done so far," said María Villanueva.

Alberto Villanueva has been a Levante supporter since his youth. An Industrial Organization Engineer, he currently holds an executive role in a global packaging company. "Being a Levante board member is, first and foremost, a responsibility that allows me to listen to the Levante community and act as a bridge for our sentiments, promoting engagement with the fans through transparency and respect for our history and heritage, and working to ensure our Club celebrates another 100 years." Villanueva adds that representing this new role at Levante UD "is one of the greatest honors for a Levante supporter, comparable only to the moment when our anthem plays and Pau tells us: 'in peu afició.'"

Javier García Murillo, María Villanueva, and Alberto Villanueva join the Levante UD Board of Directors, chaired by Pablo Sánchez, with Braulio Pastor as vice president, José Danvila as CEO, and the following vocal members: Maribel Vilaplana, Héctor Blasco, Ruth García, and David Gómez Blasco, along with Francisco Fenollosa who is also the honorary president. The mandate for board members is five years, as stipulated in the club's Bylaws.