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Levante UD

Levante UD promote their internationalisation area with a presence in 20 countries

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The internationalisation area of Levante UD has taken a step forward with its presence in China and Colombia, countries that have been added to the 18 other countries in which they have already rolled out several training centres. “Our objective is to expand our number of followers and promote a relationship with companies and businesses that want to have visibility and presence in Spain, with a very specific identity like that of Levante UD; it is a way of attracting talent,” according to the statement made by the person in charge of the section, Daniel Pastor.

In the International Training department we have 12 people working and we can handle the requests that come to us from more than 20 countries. “It is becoming more and more frequent that they contact us because we have been on a journey for more than 7 years and I believe that we are a benchmark in Spain, it must be said like this because it is true, and our activity is very broad,” declares Pastor.

Camps in several countries
The Levante UD International Training department have organised three camps for the month of December which will be held in Costa Rica, Puerto Rico and the United States, as well as others during the month of January in Panama and Uruguay, and finally, in the month of March in China. As Daniel Pastor explained, in South America “they know who we are because many footballers from there have been in the team and there is some connection. It is more difficult for them to know us in Asian countries.”

During the last seven years, Levante UD have trained more than 18,000 boys and girls on the sports field and specifically in football, since thanks to the fact that in some countries there is a summer season while it is winter here, and vice versa, the activity has been continuous and constant throughout all twelve months of the year. “We are talking about almost 20,000 children, an approximate number that may seem surprising, which has already led to us having a very prominent presence and visibility outside our borders.”

Levante have several partners to be able to develop each of the training and sports activities that, in each place, seek the same objective as the club. This is the case in China where Levante UD have signed an agreement to allow us to have a work plan and sports events over the next two years allowing boys and girls from China to come to Valencia to play football, as well as experience cultural and sporting events. Moreover, this presence in China allows Levante UD to be able to export their talent surrounding the training of coaches "since they are very interested in the education of their training personnel."

The International Training department is one of the most strategic and sustainable because it generates income and business development, since the Levante UD brand has a positive impact and is synonymous with quality, also abroad.