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Levante UD Visits Doña Leo's Bookstore in Buñol on Book Day

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A Representation of the First Female and Male Squads Visit Doña Leo Bookstore by Máximo Huerta in Buñol to Relive Their Book-related Memories on April 23.

Taking a stroll through Buñol and stumbling upon the blue facade of Máximo Huerta's Doña Leo Bookstore is truly a treat. This cozy literary corner has become an emblematic spot for book lovers. The warmth it exudes, its vintage decor, the delicate French music enveloping the atmosphere, all invite visitors to immerse themselves in this space where shelves overflow with a curated selection of literary gems, from timeless classics to current bestsellers.

Indeed, Doña Leo is much more than just a bookstore. As its owner, Máximo Huerta, tells us, his dog (which lends its name to the bookstore) is also a Levante UD supporter, even sporting a jersey with her name on the back. After finishing their training session, members of the first female squad, Paula Tomás and Paula Fernández, along with Ángel Algobia and Andrés García from the first male squad, have come here to share on this April 23, International Book Day, their special relationship with books and reading.

Unforgettable Memories

The four Levante UD players have caressed the covers of such representative books as Gabriel García Márquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude," Virginia Woolf's "A Room of One's Own," or the "Book of Wonders" by Valencian poet Vicent Andrés Estellés, among others, delving into their memories to share their most endearing stories.

My grandmother used to write stories when I was little, which always ended with a moral, and she would take them to school, read them aloud, and leave them there. It's one of the most beautiful memories I have related to reading," explains Paula Fernández.

Also reflecting on his childhood, Andrés García smiles as he recalls the reading moments he shared with his father. "From a very young age, he read me classics like Moby Dick or children's stories before bedtime." "Besides, I also got into reading books from the Gerónimo Stilton series or Diary of a Wimpy Kid at school. In recent years, I've placed a lot of importance on mental aspects, on sports psychology to be able to grow in this area, and I've focused my readings on that," he adds.

On his part, Ángel Algobia has recently rekindled his interest in reading thanks to his current partner, "and specifically, I did so with 'The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair' by Jöel Dicker, a very interesting book that I highly recommend," he confessed.

The journalist and writer, Máximo Huerta, reflected on his early relationship with reading during this conversation, thanks to his grandmother and mother. "I read because I always saw my grandmother Irene reading. My mother has always been a good reader and bought me books from a young age. I got the library card of Buñol at a very young age and was an avid reader of whatever was popular at the time, like 'The Famous Five', 'Pippi Longstocking', or works by Julio Verne or Agatha Christie."

The host of the gathering highlights two very important books in his life, the aforementioned Moby Dick, "which I would have liked to write, but undoubtedly the one that has always been on my bedside table and in fact, I am a collector of copies, is 'Platero y Yo', by Juan Ramón Jiménez."

The Kilometer Zero of Happiness

Just over a year ago, Doña Leo's Bookstore opened its doors, and from the very first minute, it became a benchmark for the numerous book lovers who visit it daily, adding yet another attraction to the town's wide cultural offering. As Máximo Huerta points out, "that Buñol is known for all it has in terms of culture, its two music bands, 'La Armónica' and 'La Artística', for its most international festival, La Tomatina, and now, that a bookstore also becomes another attractive point in the town, I think it's a success. I am very grateful for people from all over the country to come to this kilometer zero of happiness that is Doña Leo and also visit the most beautiful places in the town like El Castillo or Paseo San Luis, among others."

With this visit to Doña Leo's Bookstore in Buñol, where our sports city is located, Levante UD celebrates Book Day because they are the ones who tell the best stories, because someday, in one of them, there will be a great Levante UD story yet to be written.