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Levante UD

Official account @CanteraGranota is launched with all the information about our Academy

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Today Levante UD launches the official account @CanteraGranota, a new profile of the Cantera Levante UD where you can find all the information about our youth teams. A place where Atlético Levante UD will continue to have a special space as one of the reference teams due to its position in the Second Division B of Spanish football. In addition, you will be able to follow the women’s B team and the teams made up of our younger footballers.

Via @CanteraGranota you can discover all the latest news about our youth teams as well as stories about the work being carried out in our ‘factory’ of footballers, who receive a comprehensive training programme in which an understanding of the sports side is integrated with an understanding of the human side.
This growth and personal development of both the players and coaching staff, not forgetting the families of the children and young people, is encompassed in the concept of Culture of Growth (#CulturaCrecimiento) whereby day-to-day work is carried out by the management of our Academy, with all its teachers and coaching staff, inclusive of all the employees who work every day both at Buñol Training Ground and at the facilities in Nazaret.
In this training programme the values that the club wants to instil in all its footballers are intrinsic, and they are perceptible at the annual event of the Levante UD Human and Academic Values 'Manu de la Paz' Awards.